Arbutus Unedo / Strawberry Tree

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Arbutus Unedo / Strawberry Tree


Arbutus unedo is desirable in all aspects. Solid looking foliage at all seasons. Fragrant, beautiful flowers. Attractive fruits. Drought tolerant and resilient. Large bush to small tree.

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Arbutus unedo Family: Ericaceae Common Name: Strawberry Tree

Size: 10 - 15’ (Could get to 30’ in good conditions eventually)

Shape: Roundish. Can be shaped to a small tree (lower limbs removed). It can be multi-trunk or kept as single trunk

Growth rate: Medium to fast Type: Broadleaf evergreen

Foliage: Leaves simple, alternate, elliptic-oblong, 2 - 4” long. Leaves are glossy dark green above, paler underneath

Flowers: Fragrant flowers in late winter to early spring, clusters of urn shaped white to pinkish flowers hang downward

Features: Foliage holds up well in winter. Beautiful bloom clusters. Fruits turn from green, to yellow, orange, then red, 3/4 to 1” diameter, dramatic. Nice “Mediterranean” feel to the plant. Bees love the flowers. Red brown attractive shaggy bark.

Growing conditions: Full sun, well drained soil, acid to neutral pH. Drought tolerant, no summer water once established. Water will speed initial growth.

Climate zone: 7+

Uses and comments: Native from SW Ireland to Mediterranean region. Regrows well from severe prunings. Smaller dwarf cultivars are available.