Garrya elliptica / Coast Silktassel

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Garrya elliptica / Coast Silktassel

from $29.00

Garrya eliptica is an excellent low maintenance, drought tolerant screen shrub. It is quite deer resistant once established and naturalized (not watered). This is a West Coast native plant.

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Garrya elliptica Family: Garryaceae Common name: Coast Silk Tassel

Size : 7-15’ tall, 6 - 10’ wide large bush Type: evergreen Shape: rounded Foliage color: greygreen Growth rate: moderate with water.

Flowers: White tassels on male plants in the winter Growing conditions: An adaptable coastal native. Well drained soil. Thrives in sun or part shade. Water to get established and to size up more quickly.

Features: Rounded, somewhat free formed, “natural” looking large bush. Handsome leathery “oak-like” leaves. Showy in winter. This plant has separate male and female plants, only the males have the silk tassels. However, the female seed pods are purple, dangle, and also beautiful enough to deserve admiration, and they linger on the bushes fall through winter.