Myrica californica / Pacific Waxmyrtle

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Myrica californica / Pacific Waxmyrtle

from $19.00

Myrica californica is truly one of the most reliable screen plants available to us in this region. Definitely tall enough, it tends to be multi trunked and maintain its’s lower foliage. I have never seen the foliage look any way but vigorous and healthy. It seems to be quite deer resistant in my experience (once established and cut off from water), even under rather severe deer pressure. The flowers and berries are on the subtle side, not showy from a distance. If the lower foliage becomes too sparse, cutting the stems to the ground should stimulate vigorous regrowth. West Coast native plant.

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Myrica californica Bayberry family - Myricaceae

Common name: Pacific or California Waxmyrtle

Size: medium, 6 - 15’, (up to 30’) Type: evergreen Shape: Large spreading upright bush

Foliage: green all year Flowers: inconspicuous, bloom time May - June

Growing conditions: Prefers moist and well drained, completely drought tolerant, also tolerant of salt spray

Growth rate: Medium to fast. Climate zone: to 7

Features: Bold consistent foliage, bright glossy green. Fixes nitrogen, good for restoration.